Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing

Bruce A. Finlayson, John Wiley & Sons, 2012


Additional Detail about numerical methods

  • MATLAB program for LU decomposition of a tri-diagonal matirx
  • FORTRAN program for LU decomposition of a dense matrix
  • Equations for the 4th-5th order Runge-Kutta method with error estimates (explicit)
  • Equations for Gear's method for implicit integration
  • MacCormack method with flux correction, to make Figure 9.18b
  • See also the e-book and other programs

Suggestions from you

My plan is occasionally to add a new problem, or explain a new technique. If there are specific things that are unclear in the book, or you are faced with something that goes beyond the book (and is of general interest), please make the suggestion. In the future I'll also prepare an index that is in the form: "How do I do ...?", in addition to the book index that can be accessed above. So, use the e-mail feature or add a comment. (the comment feature will be operational shortly)